"Mom," asks my oldest, "if a millionaire named Steve came to the door and asked you to marry him, would you?"
"I don't know anything about him, how do I know he's a good guy?" I question and make a mental note to stop using words like too-expensive or can't afford. Must come up with new words.
"His name is Steve, he's a really nice guy and LDS." She answers.
"Well then, as long as he's a nice guy, LDS, a millionaire, and named Steve, why not?"
Then my youngest jumped in..."Mom, if a millionaire werewolf named Steve came and asked you to marry him would you?"
"Is he a Twilight werewolf or a Harry Potter werewolf?" I question.
"Wow, that is quite the difference!" exclaimed the middle child.
"He's a Twilight werewolf, LDS, a millionaire, and a good guy." She decides with the help of her siblings.
"Well then again, why not?" I respond back making another mental note to find out who is Steve.