I am constantly amazed at the time and energy put into events such as cubscout activities, Primary Saturday activities, activity day girls' recognition nights and these don't even include Young Men and Young Women activities, firesides, youth conferences and camps. As a leader, I too spent thought, time, energy, and prayer into such events, grateful to witness how such activities can make a difference in the life of just one child. If just one child was affected it made all the sacrifice worthwhile. If more than one child walked away a little different, that's just icing. As a parent, I am grateful and humbled by such sacrifices others make continually to benefit my children. Pinewood Derby is just one of the many...
Logan was awarded (by our cubmaster) with the "sharpest design" award and with accompanying pocket knife
friend (11-year old scout, no way), Logan Bankhead, friend (Bear)
We miss Scouting. The Pinewood Derby is a fun thing though a bit stressful for the parents. Glad everything turned out.